Let’s think outside of the box

We are bound to repeat something someone else did before one day or another. Actually it’s more often than we think. Sometimes we do it knowingly, and that’s called being inspired (or stealing, the line is thin) and sometimes we simply think of something very, very similar to someone else’s work without knowing the person or the work. Maybe there’s an universal mind somewhere up there that’s sending in ideas and has mixups from time to time. But even aside from all that, it’s important to try and rethink how we can do things that CAN be done creatively. Some things are supposed to be just useful and standard, so the end user won’t get lost in them. But sometimes we can run wild and unleash all our ideas on the world. So which type of projects should we do? I believe doing a bit of both balances both the worlds and keeps the wit sharp. Soon we will post some new textures, tutorials and insights into the web 3.0.

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