Overlapping interests

smart-monkey Expansion in the creative field is a must nowadays, since everything seems to be running faster than us. The technology, other designers, recession of the currency. And so on. So we either try to outdo ourselves in one area – focusing on being great at one specific tasks – and hoping that we will be chosen because of the amount of skill we have. Or we try many different things like adding flash animations, video editing, sound editing, and not being too good in any of them.

But is it really that bad? I mean come on! It’s our ideas that matter. And in fact the myth of doing stuff to the point, and working long hours on every single project is bullshit. Some people work faster. And I’ve never seen a flawless project either. So is someone bullshitting us into thinking that we should be sticking to one thing, because they fear for the competition? I can make a pretty good video if I have the right material, choosing the right trimmings, effects and music. Does it mean that I shouldn’t do it because I’m not a pro at it? And I’m not talking about birthday party videos for my sister here. I’m talking about something I take the money for and I can put in my portfolio. That kind of video.

I think that creativity is not limited to a medium. It’s limited only as far as our own limits go. And if we truly commit , we simply don’t have any. Allright? Allright. So go out there, be creative. Accept criticism and turn your back on the hate because when they put their time into hate towards you and your work, you’re already on another project.
Good luck!

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