Photoshop quick tip #2 – clone stamp tool

Sure we now have a content aware fill in photoshop and it works well for removing small elements from a surface, like wrinkles on the skin and such. But it’s still good to use the Clone Stamp tool (S key) to retouch some things by hand. We all know that, but some people recently asked me – why is this a good way if you can’t really undo it after you save the psd ? Well that’s not entirely true and this info is mostly for those people. It’s such a big piece of software that sometimes there are options that are easily overlooked. If you’re retouching a photograph you can create a layer on top of it, and in the Clone Stamp tool’s options change the sampling mode to current layer and below, so the changes will appear only on the new layer. That makes it easier to revert to the original if you ever choose so.

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