
State of mess is a typical thing for any designer. We see something we like on the web and we bookmark it for future reference. Then we can of course always access it later easily…

Yeah, right!

I have a gazillion of bookmarks and I have no idea what most of them are. Some are years old and I never checked them out again. But I found an app that instead of bookmarks, just snaps images, that you can tag and then find easily. The app is called “Little Snapper” and it simply snaps a screenshot of a website. Think of it as your screenshot catalogue. After a while the amount of images starts to grow, so it’s actually pretty cool to type in “minimal” and “white” to see all the matching sites and get some inspiration (but not too much, right? ;)).

It helped me plenty to keep a better track of what I see online and it also cleared most of my bookmarks that I’d never check anyway.

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