Tablet interfaces, web apps and oh, I’m back!

Been away for quite a while, since I’ve been working for one Apple related blog, but now I decided that it’s time to be more creative, instead of repetitive. So CreationMachine is officially back in “business” (whatever business it is) and you can expect more updates soon.

A couple of interesting things happened when I was gone: first and foremost some Android tablets were trying to beat the iPad, the Kindle Fire was announced (and it can shake things up finally), and there’s an explosion of Web Apps led by Financial Times, that withdrew from the App Store to cut the Apple Tax out of it’s subscription. We’ll be seeing more and more of those kinds of apps in the near future, so HTML5 is something to keep an eye on. Especially after “Hype!” and “Edge” by Adobe, which are in fact targeted at app developers and designers.

So there are things happening and there’s been changes, but not too many apparently, so we’ll manage somehow. Just need to redesign the site and connect it to my wider network, so an official start will happen soon. And when I say “soon” it really means soon or it’d drive me crazy ;)

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