Adobe Announces Photoshop Touch!

Don’t worry it’s not the crippled Photoshop mobile version, that didn’t even had enough functionality to compete with Photo Forge. It’s a completely new thing and it’s as close to real photoshop, as it ever was. There are layers of course, painting tools, patterns and blending modes. So apparently it’s set for some serious (as far as it can go) photo editing and content creation. That’s a smart move on Adobe’s part, and we’re eager to see when it comes out. Photoshop Touch should be available for iPads soon, Androids a little bit later (even though the demo is on an Android slate). It was announced along a few other apps (including a nice prototyping app, that’s an attempt to take on OmniGraffle I guess) at the annual Adobe MAX conference.

Video by the 9to5mac team

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