Another resolution shift in design? Designing for high DPI screens

Retina display revolution

When Apple introduced the retina display, we found out that 960×640 pixels is a nice resolution for a small, 3.5 inch screen and decided to embrace it right away. The retina iPad didn’t come this year, so when designing for mobile devices we’re still lower than 1280 x 800 pixels, with the iPad being 1024×768.

Is Retina not enough?

Apparently though Toshiba is planning to change that and introduce a 498 ppi, 6″ screen sometime in the near future. I don’t really see a reason (maybe I’d have to see the screen live to notice if there’s any difference), but isn’t retina display about high enough ppi, so the eye can’t distinguish the pixels? So why making anything higher than 320/360 ppi at all? The only thing that comes to mind is – to be “better” than apple on billboards and in ads. Well if the trend catches on, or if the iPad gets retina display, we’ll be designing for mobile at 2,560 x 1,600, which is mind blowing because a couple of years ago that resolution wasn’t even in high end desktop computers (and it’s still rare in most desktops).

So what’s next?

That may actually lead to move digital design a little bit closer to print design – having a resolution that is almost pixel-independent and really looks like a fine print will encourage new ideas for design. Exciting times ahead!

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