Today, on October 26th the Pixelmator team is set to release the 2.0 version of their popular (and cheap) image editor! We’ve been covering pixelmator for quite a while now and while we think the app is really well made, it still lacks a lot of simpler features that are necessary for day to day work. We’re not saying it has to copy photoshop 1to1, it’s more about simple refinements – like an improved type tool, because the current one is dreadful.
2.0 is supposedly bringing a lot of the requested features (along with simple vector tools too!) so let’s keep our fingers crossed. We’ll test the App and tell you if you can delete that 30-day photoshop trial you’ve used for the last couple of years ;) Just kidding! But hopefully this release will at least drive a couple more people to forget about the bloated, over-priced hog that PS has become. Now we play the waiting game…
We’ll let you know when it hits the App Store!