Buy/Sell your design elements and/or icons on

There are many "virtual goods markets for designers" but here's another one with a twist!

We probably all have a “resources” folder somewhere at hand, with hundreds of icons, prefab panels, fonts and other design elements. It took years to collect them and we’re pretty proud, but it’d be cool to have an easy way of finding stuff we need right now. And here comes – it integrates with your mac and lets you find resources right from the topbar in a spotlight kinda way.

So far there aren’t many files there and not many are actually bought (it’s just started, let’s see how it develops), but with prices like $1 for a cartoonish drawing they’re quite in-reach for most designers. I just registered there and we’ll see what it has to offer to the sellers.

Check it out at

We have just posted our design pack there for $15 at

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