Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8 are getting Unity Engine support!

That might give the mobile Win8 a boost!

Windows Phone 7 (and ultimately 8) was a little late to the mobile OS party. Sure it brought some fresh new clothes, but other OS’es were already the buzz of the evening and it was hard to keep up. The system offered very little features (aside from great digitally minimal looks) and it’s app store equivalent was seriously lacking. Microsoft was either paying devs to add quality apps, or re-designing some classics themselves, but it wasn’t enough. What do people want the most from a mobile phone? According to both recent and not-so-recent studies (meaning: it’s been a widely accepted fact) it’s GAMES. Preferably cheap, console quality titles like Shadowgun (pictured above) from MadFingerGames.

Well now there’s a chance of more quality 3d titles coming to the platform, because it was just announed that both desktop and mobile installments of Win8 will have full Unity support. That means it’s gonna be MUCH easier for developers to port their 3d games to the platform, thus increasing it’s value.

That’s one more step towards more market share of Windows Phone (Which is still extremely low). GOod luck!

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