Apple wins the trial against Samsung. Will that spawn innovation or kill it?

Nothing spells copycat better than 1 billion dollars in damages

So the “tech trial of the century” is almost over. The jury has reached a verdict, Apple is happy, Samsung will appeal and life will go on. Or will it? Maybe this is actually a good thing, that it wasn’t the full 2.5 billion Apple wanted. It could still be a big dent in Samsung’s budget and it could lead to trouble putting out new devices. 1 billion seems fair and at the same time maybe it’ll be a lesson not to copy other peoples work so openly.

This result will certainly influence other companies to do things differently from now on, so Apple’s slogan Think Different can also be a jab at it’s competitors. Design differently! Android will have to lose the bounce-back scrolling feature and some others, as judged yesterday. Too bad people got used to these over the years, but clever people from Samsung and Google will find a way to replace them. Maybe that’s when we’ll see true innovation.

What’s funny here is the fact that previous Apple arch-rival Microsoft is now laughing, that Windows8 looks so good right now, as a truly original mobile OS.

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