It’s almost there – Apple will unveil the iPhone 5 on September 12th


The rumors didn’t even need to be true, because we had common sense and it really WAS obvious that Apple will unveil a new iPhone this fall. It was also pretty obvious that it’s either gonna be called “the new iPhone” or iPhone 5 since iPhone 4SS sounds kinda stupid. So lo and behold here’s the date – september 12th 2012. A few more months till the end of the world to enjoy the new, supposedly 4inch device from Apple. And the nice “5-shaped” shadow is giving away the name. Cool.

I wonder how doomsday 2012 apps will look on that larger display ;) But on a serious note, we’re pretty excited what will the killer feature be now. Siri update we already know of, so I’m guessing a better camera system, especially after the Lumia 920 presentation yesterday. This is by far the most tech-geek exciting month in a while.

We bet this will look great on the new device:

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