Apple Maps aren’t THAT bad, they’re just prematurely released

Apple maps google Maps ecce homo

After Apple released iOS 6 this week there has been an incredible amount of anger towards the new Maps application. People were pointing out mistakes, lack of POI and inaccuracy, and also many of the “flyover” 3d view bugs like destroyed bridges and buildings.

This is probably the first big Apple fail since Antennagate that’s so widespread. All the blogs and all the websites are complaining. But they fail to notice two things:

1. Google Maps will land on iOS very soon for sure (it was announced on Google’s mapping event in june).

2. This is the first version of Apple maps and all the negative feedback will actually help make them better.

The point though is that Steve Jobs would probably look over the whole world in those maps personally and check for errors. There are also many bugs in the new App Store (for example on the new iPad iPhone screenshots are distorted vertically)

Apparently quality control at Apple has lowered significantly since his passing. Too bad.

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