Computers can now be artists too and create works that evoke human emotion

Computers understand abstract art

This is a little bit scary, a little bit sci-fi and a little bit not exactly true. But scientists have found a way for computers to understand the patterns of abstract art, and when supplied with data on how people react to certain paintings they can in turn analyse and create a painting that would evoke desired emotion in most humans. Still, true art is about error, about little mistakes and about the human touch. Computers can reproduce art, but they won’t be able to create something with a soul, if they don’t have one.

It made me think though – what if computers could analyze social networks, online blogs etc. and create collages automatically that would be always about the most recent, most popular thing out there.
That could transform the whole tv industry and a lot of people would loose their jobs. But well anyway, we still have time. SkyNet hasn’t been invented yet ;)

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