One man can change everything

It’s hard to miss today’s big news about Steve Jobs’ passing. I won’t dive into monologues on how he changed my life and how he inspired me, because that’s what everyone does, and he doesn’t need more praise. Beside I wouldn’t be writing this if he didn’t inspire me, right? It’s better to start thinking what’s next, rather than re-living the past. Sure he’ll be remembered as he made a big dent in the world, but a more valid question for me is: does the style and passion end here for future CEO’s?

He was well known for his product presentations, in which he combined humor, passion and confidence, that were spreading among other people like wildfire. It’s not true, that Apple will cease to create great products, because they already know they need to focus together to match him in bright ideas and innovations and they will. It’s more a question of how they will do it. Right now there are no keynote speakers that match that passion and that drive. Sure Phil Schiller loves Apple products, and so does Tim Cook, but when they say how amazing they are, it seems like it’s pure marketing and no soul. Sorry, you can’t learn passion and that’s why Steve was one of a kind in the industry.

Hopefully people like him will emerge sometime soon, not necessarily in Apple, to change the world and become the new “crazies”.

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