So here it is : Pixelmator 2.0 – what’s good, what’s bad?

So Pixelmator 2.0 is finally here! We’ve been through delayed launch dates, lots of anger in their website comments, lots of feature requests and Apple Design Awards. Between all this an idea has emerged that this little, 30$ app can replace the 700$ pro app from Adobe. Looking at PM2.0 I can say once again – “it’s close but not yet there”. Which shouldn’t really be of any surprise – Photoshop was developed years ago and got layer support in version 4! So that’s understandable. For me PM2.0 has all the tools I need but one – it’s lacking layer styles. That one single invention in Photoshop is now as ubiquitous in my design as layers themselves. The ability to add simple stylings (color overlay or even a shadow) without creating new layers. That’s the main thing that is going to keep me from using PXM for some of my professional work.

The other thing I found a little annoying is the color palette. It jumps out as a completely style-less window from OS X and jumps out randomly. The order of tabs there is awful. Who needs those crayons? All we need is a color spectrum, a color wheel and swatches, that can be used as a constantly on, styled palette (meaning it should have dark windows like the rest of them and better UI). That’s a big design flaw.

On the other hand the new type tool is pretty good and there’s enough functionality there (including finally opening PSDs with editable text) to stop complaining. The dodge, burn and sponge tools are pretty good too. Famous Content-Aware-Fill isn’t as good as in Photoshop and sometimes needs a little help from some clone-stamping, but it’s a nice effort for their first try.

I really like the vector design tools – here we have a feature (pen tool, freehand pen tool and shapes) that is actually done BETTER than in Photoshop. Good job Pixelmator team!

As for the rest of the App there are a lot of little refinements here and there, so I decided to take it for a spin and design my next pro layout exclusively in Pixelmator. I’ll probably post some shots from the process and some more insight next week. If you don’t have it yet go to the Mac App Store now:

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