they’re all about the tablets

The whole world has gone crazy with the tablet-mania recently. Probably just because Apple has decided to release one this january and usually when they release a totally new (for them) product it’s something that redefines the industry. So we’re expecting a different user interface, which of course will then be copied (creatively-stolen ;)) onto many, many websites and again a new trend will show up. Just like reflection under products, glossy buttons and white backgrounds. Stuff like that. I guess when something becomes mainstream (and their products do quickly) people WANT to see similar ideas in other fields – like design and web design. Let’s just hope it’s not gonna be anything 3d, keeping it simple should be the priority. The hype was never so high for apple to deliver, and I fear this might be the first time (not counting apple-tv) when they disappoint their fans. But we’ll wait and see. Not only the device itself, but also how it will influence web design in the near future – and who will incorporate the new ideas into their site first. Only 3 more weeks and it will all be clear.

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