Apple vs Samsung trial ending – will it change anything?

The birds are still chirping, the sun is shining, the air is as polluted as ever. So will Apple consume Samsung as seen above? Probably not.

The biggest tech trial in history is coming to an end as we speak. By reading the liveblog from the final statements I can honestly say that everyone’s trying super hard to prove a point and win those billions of dollars. Which is what would be expected. But what does this whole trial mean to the consumers?

If Samsung wins, it’ll force Apple to look for other suppliers. That might mean some price bumps on the iPhones (or lower margins). But ultimately both Samsung as a company, and Apple’s customers would probably lose here.

If Apple wins, Samsung might be forced to produce less and pay more. Android phone prices would go up. Apple would actually be the most beneficial here. Apple’s customers won’t probably notice.

But no matter the outcome, Samsung might actually do more “innovating” from now on, if not out of punishment, then at least to avoid similar trials in the future. That’d be good for both the industry and the customers.

But all in all the changes will probably be only seen inside the two companies. And most of us users, designers, developers and fanboys (of either one) won’t notice ANY change. Well maybe except for a new arguments for fanboys of the successful side. But we’re not trolling forums here anyway, so we won’t notice.

May the best one win ;)

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