Microsoft goes for a (semi) radical logo redesign

Microsoft logo evolution 25 years
We might've been expecting that to happen, so meh...

It’s been long since MS redesigned their brand, but we’ve all seen it coming. Introducing the metro windows 8 interface with colorful tiles and nice typography, MS went ahead to further afirm the choice by changing it’s main brand logo to reflect that. Now it’s just 4 colorful tiles with Microsoft written in Segoe font next to them. While it might not be the most creative thing out there, it fits with the brand and the future chosen by the Redmond company. They kept the F and T connection in this one, which probably is supposed to suggest the evolution. Redesigns of big brands do happen quite often, as seen below.

And here’s a 4-step revolution from Apple:
Apple Logo Evolution

And one by Google:
Google logo evolution

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