The end of paper?

Ok, so the iPad is here. It might not be the most amazing tablet device feature wise, but it will clear the path for both itself and other companies. Just like people buying ipod clones, and iPhone wannabes with better cameras and usb slots ;) The point is we’re seeing a media revolution starting right now. And the behemoths of press are of course jumping right in.

Internet killed the press? Who’s depressed?

Sure, people don’t read as many magazines and newspapers anymore. Why is that? Well most important reason is they get their news online for free. They also get free blog reads on pretty much any topic. So the content creation left in the hands of average Joe led to a demise of normal media. Even the New York Times had to beg for money no to close the paper not too long ago.

What is the difference?

The main thing that can be an advantage with journalists is that they know how to write. They deliver very high quality content (or at least they CAN because they know some rules we bloggers don’t). They’re not average. They are trained in the art of writing clever and interesting stories for their papers. It’s just that the delivery is slow, old technology and expensive.

A change?

And along come tablet devices. Computers did a not too bad job in delivering content but it was “just not the same” as holding a magazine or book in your hands. Well now it is. And it’s not a coincidence that all the big ones are making iPad apps. And apps for all other potential runner ups in the tablet market. This is going to be a huge revolution and whoever makes it work will dominate the others. It will take years to achieve but it will eventually happen so no wonder they all did their apps. Who? Well the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, Time magazine. And MANY, MANY others. The future of high quality journalistic content is in tablet devices. You will pay for them on the fly with a push of your finger. They will be cheaper, less treas will be used to make them. And they will be INSTANT. You’ll be able to sit on the beach and purchase a new magazine when you’ve read the whole issue of another mag.

That’s why we’ll make a Creation Machine app available for the iPad as well. It will include news and various short additions in a weekly or bi-weekly format. It will be slightly more than on the blog since we need to you know, eat and drink and do dr… driving lessons. Erm. Yeah! ;)

See you around, the revolution is starting!

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