Season greetings from the viral!


So how long can we be drawn brainlessly by “funny videos” that after a while are a common-wealth – seen by nearly everybody we know.
Are they gonna surprise us with billboards saying “In 2010 everything you know will change”? Do we really anticipate the knowledge of what will happen then? Or did we simply stop caring about it. Do we even discuss out-of-the-internet examples with anyone? Don’t think so.
Human imagination is pretty vast, so I bet there’s still a couple of good ideas undiscovered, but all in all we’ll be bound by funnier and funnier seasonal virals that we post even with the knowledge that it does more good to the maker, than to the sender. Yes, it has started. From dancing Santa with your face on him, through the last-year-hype dancing elves ( up to whatever else we can come up with. Maybe a present that blows up when you open it? Smurfs-viral fun with a christmas twist? Why not. The notion that fuelled the first seasonal campaigns a couple of years back is now gone. They don’t try to impress us by the idea, just the packaging.
Dancing characters with your face on them were done before a couple of times, and this time the whole packaging made it look “fresh” and “oh so funny” to many, many adults.
But hey! Are the older parts of the internet currently more into viral than the younger?
That’s the interesting part – seasonal “fun stuff” is usually sent around by people with jobs, families, often children etc. Not by kids with too much time on their hands.
Maybe the next generation virals should be directed at the respected parents instead?
I’ve seen a catapult-a-santa viral where you could upload your face, and a good % of the faces were someone’s little babies.
So maybe there’s still hope to surprise, just by looking elsewhere?
To be continued…

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