Predictions and hopes for 2010

I have a couple of predictions that are also almost like wishes as well for the upcoming year.

First of all we need to see IE6 (that’s Internet Explorer 6) go finally. Vanish from the face of the planet. It’s a terrible, slow and ugly browser that makes webmastering a nightmare.

Second of all – we want CSS3 – shadows, rounded corners and many, many more things are finally possible to do without lots of code and lots of cut-up PNG’s!

Third, let’s say NO to all the “put your face here” virals – they’re so repetitive it’s boring (maybe except for the “hero” one from sweden but that’s a much harder job to do!)

We’d love to see some creative new ways to expand the web beyond the web (like google did in it’s google chrome Ad)

And lastly – there might be a tablet announcment from apple – supposed to redefine the way how people interact with mobile devices – well that might change the web in a good way too.
Let’s wait and see where it takes us. And let’s be the ones to do a couple of very first viral campaigns on the new devices. Why not ? :)

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