About IdeaMonster

Krop, Square Extension, Dust|box artist. Illusion of sense art group founder, creative director, open mind.

Viral marketing – what comes next? pt. 1

There are certainly many changes occurring constantly with how virals are constructed. They need to evolve with the people who get’s tricked by them, basically to keep up with the modern world’s pace.
What was a good idea a month ago, could now be obsolete, and easy to find out. Some, long time ago, all it took was a simple “name matching” quiz, and it spread like a virus. Right now the age lowers and lowers, way beyond the point of the buying consumers. Sure, they can nag their parents to buy stuff, but that still cut’s off a couple of %.
So I think it’s pretty safe to assume that the same campaign in order to work over and over again has to either:
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Your mind is a wild monkey, so let’s write

Sometimes revolution is in simplicity. And when my wild monkey brain gets wilder and more distracted, someone thinks of stuff like the OmmWriter
A beautiful, ambient writing app. Currently available as a free beta (for the Mac only). I got hooked. The main idea here is that it hides everything else, including the dock and navbar. All you can see is that beautiful image of a winter hill with a couple of trees. And well … text. This is all about text. Generating ideas without the blinking “new message” icons, and “you’ve got mail” icons, and many other distractions. As they say in the trailer on their website – you are alone in there, with your thoughts. And after a while the thoughts jump right through, ideas are generated, the work is flowing. Try it.

Nostalgia route : Space Invaders


Logan Walters has put together an awesome compilation of modified space invaders. My favorite is of course Homer ;) It brought back a lof of memories of crouching by an old atari computer, with a cassette game still loading, avoiding sudden moves or it might not load, and then shooting furiously at those pixelated sprites.They had more soul than many new, naturally rendered characters in modern games. Those were the days …

The modifications after the break.

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Square Extension photoshoot tutorial

Now I will show you roughly how we created those “town painting photos”. This tutorial is for people who basically understand the software (this can be done in either photoshop or pixelmator on mac). We used pixelmator. The most fun part was of course taking the pictures, and imagining (keyword here!) what can we do with them later. I strongly suggest to keep that in mind while on a photoshoot. Some amazing ideas can come at any time. The effect is supposed to be a little “unrealistic” and “neon’y” so here goes, experiment and play with it: