Japan shows us a glimpse of the future

Unfortunately japan didn’t win the chance to organize the 2022 world cup in soccer, but their presentation is breathtaking. The amount of new technology that they’re showing is astonishing – on the fly translators, augmented reality and what’s even better a holographic representation of the main games in many other countries. Imagine that – you go to a stadium in your country and you see all the stars doing what they’re doing somewhere in Japan in real time. Well that won’t happen since Japan didn’t win and that sucks because an event like that could push the technology forward. Just watch the video

Doesn’t it always work like that? An event of a totally different kind can push the technology forward so it later can be used for many other things. Rock concerts anyone ?

Creative Windows ad – mac vs pc all over again

The Mac vs PC war has been fought ruthlessly all over the interwebs for at least a decade now, both on the advertising and on social front. And as with any controversial subject there are fans of both sides. But Microsoft didn’t really make creative ads before, and now it’s trying to show that PC’s are not “square” and “office and games” only and can be used to make really nice, creative things. Good! Because in the end the machine is just the means to achieving a goal that comes up in the mind of it’s creator. And the mind is not yet branded with any logo. See the cool video below :

Flash vs html5 pong fight!

All of those comparisons between html5 and flash could give anybody but batman a headache. Good to know that someone with a sense of humor decided to make their clash a bit more “fun” than numbers, predictions and angry “thoughts on flash”. As with every technology, things have their advantages and disadvantages. And true, HTML5 is better battery-to-performance-wise, but Flash has some pretty cool tricks up it’s sleeve too. And even if the web moves away from flash video completely (which it has started to do) there will still be plenty of use for flash – gaming, “creative” showcase type websites and cartoons for which it is perfect.

The cool people at Code Computerlove decided to make a pong game (for two players) that uses FLASH to render one side of the table, and HTML5 to render the other. And they work together in harmony. Maybe it’s a hint towards the future? Huh, Steve?

You can check out the game and play it here. Enjoy!

Canstruction – charity and art come together!

It’s always great when charities involve artists into a cooperation that’s both creative and helpful to some. This time it’s about people arranging canned foods together to form an image or a sculpture. Hence the name “canstruction”. And since I love the idea I decided to share some “Canstructions” with you.

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Banksy directs “Simpsons” couch gag

The most recent Simpsons episode had a couch gag that was a little different than usual. It was directed by british artist Banksy, who’s known for his strong views on the society turning a blind eye to a lot of mistreating going on. This time it was the simpsons being an evil corporation (or their merchandise to be precise) while lots of factory workers were treated like machines. This is of course true with most modern products (see apple’s factories in China and the suicides there) but the Simpsons’ producers have balls of steel to put something like this up. Good!

Microsoft pushes it’s creativity with Windows Phone 7 ads

But isn’t this a little bit too far? I mean advertising a phone that you’ll use less than your current phone? Who are they trying to catch with that idea? Besides their current competition (iphone and android phones) are also very easy to use and have streamlined interfaces that allow people to just “glance” at the phone quickly instead of the old-time “stop-and-stare”. They might be a couple of years late to the party, just like with Windows. Oh and the interface of the main screen is pretty U-GLY… It gets a bit better when you’re in the phone functions but still somewhat “modern for the sake of being cool”. And we all know how it ends when someone tries to be cool so hard…

What does a package hear when it travels around the world?

Well some people decided to find out and the results landed them some awards. See for yourself below:

Dictaphone Parcel from Lauri Warsta on Vimeo.

Animated short film, Royal College of Art, London, 2009
Dictaphone Parcel is an animation based on a sound recorded with a dictaphone travelling secretly inside a parcel. As the hidden recorder travels through the global mail system, from London to Helsinki, it captures the unexpected. We hear a mixture of abstract sounds, various types of transport and even discussions between the mail workers. The animation visualizes this journey by creating an imaginary documentary.

Dictaphone Parcel was awarded the Passion Pictures Prize in London, in February 2010.

See their website at http://www.cargocollective.com/lauriwarsta

Photoshop and Illustrator on a budget

If you own a mac you’ve probably already spent a lot of cash on it. So digging deep in your pockets you might not find another hundreds of dollars for photoshop and illustrator right off the bat. But fear not as there are alternatives that are getting closer to the moment in which they can become substitutes. Sure they lack a lot of functions of the big brothers, but for most tasks they do just fine and are both around 60 dollars. So you can get a whole package for a little over a hundred. Which wouldn’t get you even the cardboard box for photoshop CS5.

Limited functionality is being worked on constantly so if something’s missing that you need in these apps it’ll probably come up pretty soon in the next version anyway. Of course if you need Adobe you’ll have to go with adobe. But it’s good to know that there are alternatives, maybe not for all tasks but still alternatives.

For raster graphics you have the beautifully designed Pixelmator and for vectors there’s Vector Designer . Both cheap but pretty capable. Abduzeedo promotes pixelmator and have quite a lot of tutorials for it, but there’s also a “Learn” section on their website that you can check out to see for yourself if the app is good enough for you.

Cool little thing : “Line art” iPad app

Well it also works on iPhones and iPods, but on the iPad it truly shows it’s potential. Now imagine that as a VJ app with a couple more elements and mixing techniques and you get yourself something truly remarkable. It’s also pretty cool for making backgrounds / website elements that are a little bit random. And it’s 100% free! Screens below:

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Creative youtube campaign for Tipp-Ex

This must’ve been a lot of dollars pumped into google’s account by Tipp-Ex but the production quality and the viral potential are one of the biggest youtube can give you. Mainly because it uses one big flash made by the advertiser to just play some videos inside it. This is I think the first time youtube went in that direction and even though there’s a bottom line here that it’s still just a clever commercial, it’s worth checking out.

And you can do that here

There were campaigns similar to that one before of course, but not on that level of complication. For example the show “Dexter” had a campaign in which every youtube clip had hot spots on it to click, and there was a crowd moving within which you had to spot the main character and click on him. If you did you were redirected to another movie and so on. But that was done using just the typical youtube API so it probably wasn’t as popular as this new thing will be.

The main reason for success here is being surprised – when the hunter reaches outside of the movie you know you’ve been tricked but still you want to go forward. (that’s not much of a spoiler so don’t get upset about it ;p) There’s still plenty of room for innovation in online advertising and thankfully every once in a while we see that someone has come up with a fresh idea. Sure this one can’t be done with just a few bucks in your pocket like the “Jumping into jeans” or “Coke and Mentos” memes but it has more of that “I’m gonna send it to all my friends” action attached to it. And that’s precisely how a good viral works.

Know any other good examples of creative (meaning different than just a video) youtube campaigns ?

Simplicity is pretty complicated

In graphic design the hardest things are actually the simple ones. Sure it sounds a bit stupid, but when you think about the rule of “Less is more” and then look at the big letter “a”, written in helvetica on a white background you can see that it’s not actually all peaches and cream.

Simplicity in webdesign is often refferred to as “minimalism”, which basically says it all. Something “minimalist” (-ic) is something simple, an expression of content/function with very little form.

This form can of course has it’s saturation levels – we can have a nicely designed website with just the text. Various typefaces, paddings and margins working together to create something that’s nice to the eye.
But that would probably be considered ultra-minimalism, so let’s move on.

Another step is adding a couple of elements like a background here, a divider line there, but still keeping it simple with as little colors, gradients, photography as possible. And this is where the hard part starts.
We all know that graphically rich and intense websites can hide their content flaws in a lot of flashes and eyecandy. With minimalism we don’t have that comfort, so everything has to be in place. Considering typefaces, font-sizes for different elements is crucial for the whole thing to look good while still being minimalist. If you want to make minimal websites it’s best to look around first and get some inspiration (that doesn’t mean copy+paste! ;))

I think every designer should have at least a couple of those minimal sites in his/hers portfolio among all those beloved graphically intense sites that we’re all so proud of.

Rasterbate it!


There are many ways for achieving “BIG formats” in graphics. One is using very high resolution images. Another one is using vector graphics which is scaleable without artifacts and is great for logos and simple elements. But what if we have a pretty small photo and we’d like it to be big anyway? For a while there weren’t many options but a couple of years ago I found something that I want to share with you.


Rasterbator is a tool that you can use to make large prints from small graphic files such as posters, photos etc. How large can it be? Well let’s quote their website:

The Rasterbator creates huge, rasterized images from any picture. Upload an image, print the resulting multi-page pdf file and assemble the pages into extremely cool looking poster up to 20 meters in size.


20 meters is quite large, isn’t it? And it’s all done by creating lots of little (and bigger) circles of many colors that when viewed from a distance create the image we want. It’s actually quite simple, a technique that was known before and used in print (old newspapers) in a slightly different way. Here it’s an algorithm that enables you to convert your photos from simple pixel x pixel ratio to something much, much bigger using dots. And many of them. What’s great about it is that it’s free to use for commercial purposes as well, so another good thing coming from the so called “community” for the fun and usage by the masses. And it’s pretty easy too.

It even can divide the image into smaller portions (let’s say A4 page format) and export a PDF with a4 pages that you can print on your home printer and then hang in the proper order to have the whole big image. Now that’s creative!

You can check out rasterbator at http://homokaasu.org/rasterbator. Don’t forget to see the amazing photo gallery!

First ever iPhone 4 music video

It was pretty obvious that when the new iPhone came out with it’s 720p HD video someone would make a music video using just the phone. That someone is a one man band (and the guy who shot and edited it) called Flakjakt and the video came out pretty nice. So as I expected there will now be a stream of good quality (and bad quality) videos for bands, projects, short movies shot while drunk etc. This one was edited (in Final Cut, not the built in iMovie) and there are some color changes added, but overall it looks interesting and very retro like.