Adobe Ideas for your iPhone

AdobeIdeas03Whoa, didn’t expect Adobe to release such a fun and actually useful mobile app for free. Since mobile photoshop for the iphone is a big disappointment I wasn’t expecting much from “Ideas”. But trust me it’s perfect.

What does it do?

It let’s you sketch just like other sketch apps do (but with more style) but that’s not all. Aside from the standards like brush size / opacity and color (with a great interface – seriously) you can also draw on photos (which isn’t new but done beautifully) and what’s super cool you can “extract” color schemes from pictures. Which basically means it can generate matching colors from any picture you take – so if you see some nice colors somewhere you can snap a picture and extract them easily.

It also categorizes your ideas (sketches if you must) and organizes them. I’ve tried many apps like that and this one simply owns them all. Seriously. Having (mobile) ideas can be fun!

mobile creativity

The new iphone is out and aside from the fact whether you like it or not it does bring one thing that is truly revolutionary. And it’s not the hires screen.

Think about it – having a 720p camera in your pocket and imovie to edit it on the go will break apple’s own division of mobile products being only for consuming media while computers being the tools to create.

This changes everything because the best camera is the one you have with you, and using free time (like on a bus) to edit it will result of more creative things done “in the moment”.

And higher quality plus having your tools with you all the time is the path towards better digital media and perhaps youtube 3.0

Exciting times since now all other phone makers will make a video editing app and the trend will spread.

Also expect more virals ;)

Google vs Microsoft myth – the bigger they get the less creative they become? Not!

I was always wondering that for most big brands there comes a moment when they become less creative and more profit driven. Sure both microsoft and google are both big, both still generate large profits. So is it time for them to stop being creative? Apparently not quite. Google despite being “evil-is-not-evil” does a lot of useful things for people that just work. And mostly for free. Microsoft sells products in shiny packages, but there’s not much backing all of that up. Or is there?

Apparently money is just a factor, not a turning point. And we’re talking BIG money here. So google still hires good creative directors that can come up with ads and ideas that are original. Like this google chrome ad below. This is just awesome in its simplicity and the coolness-factor.

Adjusting the technology

This is actually more of a “thinking” subject than plain facts, but it’s pretty interesting and has been in my head for quite some time now. Let’s think about an evil example first. Do you think that macromedia making flash (well, making, buying whatever ;)) thought for a moment that it’ll cause a mass of screen blocking, full blown ads all over the internet? But on the other hand they didn’t probably think about how complicated and amazing the flash games can be, and that youtube made online video possible thanks to that technology. So basically it’s nothing new – a technology is a tool, a path that we can use and misuse (which is way more fun) to make something out of it that wasn’t originally intended.

So where else can we find an example of that? Well one thing are the LOMO cameras. Those cheap, old, film-based russian cameras became an instant hit for trendy hipsters, emo kids, and artistic souls. Taking blurry snapshots of a moving arm, a shoe, a fruit bowl. Then posting it everywhere. It all became a sort of artistic revolution, because the camera’s faults made up for the originality of the outcome. And that’s what matters.

And since we’re talking pictures – there’s the iPhone. Sure 90% of the phones in the market now have better cameras. That’s beside the point. iPhone has a bad, cheap camera but it has one advantage. Apps! People made hundreds of photography apps, both “new camera” apps and photo retouch, editing, effects, filters etc. So you can have an iPhone Lomo, an iPhone HDR (well sort of) and plenty of amazing looking pictures (and if not amazing then at least creative). Because the built in camera “thinks for you” while taking a shot. But with some clever apps and an open mind you can do exactly what you want to, when you want to. And since you have the camera with you because most of us carry our phones with us all the time, you can take a photo anytime, anywhere.

Iphoneograpy is the term for the iPhone app’s photograpy and it’s represented by sites such as :
And also our friends from have made a photoblog with their iphone pictures (some unaltered) at
Be sure to check those out!

ease of use

Our show has slowly gained momentum thanks to many nice bloggers and webmasters who shared it. Ok now we got that topic out of the way let’s talk serious.

The web is slowly dividing between a google found, self made brochures (barely interactive) and the facebookalistic social revolutions on any scale. Did you know that there’s a fairly large (and growing) group that thinks facebook IS the whole internet? scary?

In a social media frenzy the regular sites will go aside for a while but they’ll be back, since terminator2 was better than #4. And while online we might want to be alone from time to time, right?

All the perspectives and prospects of the social cannot ibviously be underestimated – this is an important part of the upcomin web 4.0

Let’s just hope for some competition (buzz? orkut? myspace?) or there will only be facebook to compete. ;)

Photoshop, pixelmator, Flash, Illustrator, Vector Designer and many more

We have started a main category for our tutorial section. At the start there are only 6 of them, but there will be more added in time. Both small, tweaky things that can redefine routine tasks, little tips and tricks and bigger, more complex stuff. Stay tuned to our channel to see all the new, exciting tutorials and how to’s being added. Cheeri’o!

Working hard

I’ve been extremely busy lately, doing a couple of projects at once and I realized a pretty good way (aside from the treadmill I use to “take a break”) is to open up all the projects, however different from each other they might be, and work on each for a couple of minutes, adding touches and changing the overall user-perspective. It really can help you look at your new business layout (no people in suits please!!) in a totally new way.
We reached 10,000 views on our iPad parody recently, and currently we’re working on the next “visual” thing that will be available really, really soon (probably on monday).
There are some new authors around here, so keep the RSS feeds handy, since each one is an expert in his field, and we can all learn a lot from that collaboration.

almost there!

ipadWe are working hard to bring you two new things, one on wednesday morning and one on thursday. this is gonna be big, promise! for now some new textures were added to our free stock.

oh and thanks for the pictures for our traveling monster idea, we’ll put that together into a page too!

Turn that design upside down


Where do you usually start when designing a website? Pasting a logo into a blank document, building a header around it? Think about this for a second : forget the logo and header. Sure they’re the eye-candy and eye-catching things, but once in a while it’s nice to do it differently. Take the content. Paste it all over a solid background. And then play with it. No menu, no logo. Just the content, columns, tables, charts, images. Put them in an order that makes them fit into each other. And after you’re done playing with it – THEN add the header and logo. You’d be surprised by how good the content looks now. Usually, with the “normal” way of doing this, you’d make an awesome header and logo, with really great graphics that you like, but often you’ll feel like something is lacking just below that great header graphics. Maybe that is the point – try and organize the substance before the form. You know, that age-old struggle of form vs substance ? Maybe it’s not so corny after all…

Let’s move the creation machine monster around the world!

Ok here’s the deal : Let’s put him in your hometown. Or in your vacation photos. We want this little creative guy to be everywhere. Send the links to imgshack or other hosting sites with your pictures and I will download and post it in a gallery. The image itself is a PNG file with transparency, so you only have to paste it over a photo and position. :)

You can download the image at
Just choose file / save as. Don’t try to copy it from the browser and paste because it will loose the transparency that way.

Here’s him in a couple of places :

London underground




Berlin – Sony Center

Roman Colosseum

Come on, let’s play. Send me links to more in the comments :)

Think before you design

I recently give a lot of thought to two things: usability of a project (be it a website) and creative communication so the ideas are easy to grasp/read for a majority of readers. The time of “pweety weebsites” is over. It’s time for thinking at least as much as the design process itself. Think what you want to say in a claim, before you type it and add a dropshadow. Analyze other successful projects and copy only what you think is important. And by that I dont mean the 30 layer header background. If it’s a business don’t add people in business suits, unless it’s the suits you’re selling. This is so overused now that for a business to stand out it just takes to come up with something different.

Think about mobile use, it’s growing at an unbelievable rate, you don’t want to be the last on the wagon do you?

And remember that form and function should be equal without one praying on the other!

Creativity can be squashed


The less people in a creative chain, the better. And in some cases, a small team can deliver much greater impact than a big one. But it’s the general marketers and know-it-all’s who really ruin it.
So what can we do ? Sit quiet and watch our work being changed into something we won’t really put our names under ? Or maybe start something on our own and then face the same with the clients of our own? It’s important to keep one’s identity at all times, since it is what defines our creativity. And if others don’t want usability at all in their products then it’s their problem. We can make our own stuff, that’s useable, creative and pretty cool for everyone.

How to make a viral video


That’s right. Let’s say you want to go viral with something, not commercially yet, but just for yourself. What do you need to consider? Well there are a couple of factors.
First factor is – you need to understand that in viral videos there’s the main “pillar element” that is drawing the people to watch and share it.
What will your pillar element be? The way you shoot the video? An odd performance that’s either impressive or silly ? The less ordinary the better. You can do talking cardboard boxes, bottles drinking themselves, people doing some funny or skillful things etc. The list goes on, but you can be pretty sure that a video of you standing by the wall juggling with three oranges won’t go viral.

The second factor, almost as important as the content itself is how are you going to seed it. Rarely viral videos go viral because someone just finds them on youtube. No, you need to start the process somehow. You probably have friends and/or family, don’t you? Well start off with them, but I know for a fact that they won’t spread it as much as a complete stranger would, especially if it features you. That’s how it works, sorry.
So what can you do? Well video aggregating sites are a good start – there’s a bunch of them, and since most virals qualify somewhat as a “cool thing to watch” sites like that can be useful for planting the video there. If you can suggest it by yourself after registration that’s fine, sometimes an email or two (or a thousand) to the site admin will yield better results. Don’t be afraid to use social networking, tweet it, facebook it, post it to digg, stumble-upon and others. Anywhere you can think of.

The third factor is posting of the video itself. If when asked for a video site you say “youtube” and that’s all that comes to your mind, then it seems that it’s time to crawl from under that rock finally. There are at least 20 big video hosting sites out there, and you can post to all of them using services like tubemogul and similar. The more places the video gets, the more possible views it can have.

What else can you do?

Well if you have a blog or a website of your own, be sure to post it there as well, since nowadays 99% of video sites allow you to embed the video anywhere on the web.
But is that really it ? Can’t we be more creative and think a little bit outside of the box (which is the internet) ?

In most cases people like mystery of sorts. Why not print out a bunch of cards with the url (shorten it if it’s long, should do) and some odd announcment like “this address will change everything”.
And since most viral videos are addressed to fairly young adults, go to a few clubs and either hand the cards around, or just put them on the tables (but do it discretely or the club might kick you out).
Any other frequently occupied places would be good too. Like schools, universities, malls. Just leave it on a bench somewhere too. And if you attend some type of school, why not tell about it to the people in your computer class. We know for sure that in those classes everyone does ANYTHING but what the teacher says, so they are likely to check out your video there.

After you’ve completed all the steps, stop and think – what else can be done? How else can I promote the video? What can I improve in the video itself?
Watch a few viral videos of the type you’re planning to do (see my post about types of viral videos ) and think why were they a success. Then analyze and think some more. Then make another video and repeat. Virals are unpredictable, and that’s what’s best about them. So if it didn’t work the first time, try again, just improve something first.