Banksy directs “Simpsons” couch gag

The most recent Simpsons episode had a couch gag that was a little different than usual. It was directed by british artist Banksy, who’s known for his strong views on the society turning a blind eye to a lot of mistreating going on. This time it was the simpsons being an evil corporation (or their merchandise to be precise) while lots of factory workers were treated like machines. This is of course true with most modern products (see apple’s factories in China and the suicides there) but the Simpsons’ producers have balls of steel to put something like this up. Good!

Let’s move the creation machine monster around the world!

Ok here’s the deal : Let’s put him in your hometown. Or in your vacation photos. We want this little creative guy to be everywhere. Send the links to imgshack or other hosting sites with your pictures and I will download and post it in a gallery. The image itself is a PNG file with transparency, so you only have to paste it over a photo and position. :)

You can download the image at
Just choose file / save as. Don’t try to copy it from the browser and paste because it will loose the transparency that way.

Here’s him in a couple of places :

London underground




Berlin – Sony Center

Roman Colosseum

Come on, let’s play. Send me links to more in the comments :)

London Banksy tour


Well not really. We were planning to go on the (in)famous Banksy tour only to find that in so many places the works are not there at all. Painted over or demolished walls were the most common image.
We finally found a nice route at Camden (When getting out of the Camden Town tube station turn right and then turn left when you pass the canal – then walk along the shore-walk)

First we encountered the global warming one :

Then the boy fishing for graffiti under a bridge:

Finished by one of the famous Banksy rats. All the images are in places that were really hard to reach unless on a boat, making them a bit more impressive that way. The famous “painting over graffiti” was also supposed to be there somewhere but we couldn’t find it.

You can find the map of Banksy in London at Banksy Tour of London.