The tools that we use

Moore had already predicted the rate of growth of the technology industry, but as it’s a theory we simply nod and say “yeah, that’s probably right”. So above you can see a spec chart of an iMac from 10 years ago with the new iPhone from this year. Since these tools (being computers and other things like the smartphones and tablets) are our main productivity machines nowadays it’s nice to see that we can do more and more with the power that they provide.

Source: gizmodo

Nostalgia route : Space Invaders


Logan Walters has put together an awesome compilation of modified space invaders. My favorite is of course Homer ;) It brought back a lof of memories of crouching by an old atari computer, with a cassette game still loading, avoiding sudden moves or it might not load, and then shooting furiously at those pixelated sprites.They had more soul than many new, naturally rendered characters in modern games. Those were the days …

The modifications after the break.

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