Is technology going to eat it’s own tail?

Think about this : the rate of production of some new gadgets like iPads, new iPhones, new Samsung screens, new nintendo consoles is the highest ever. They’ve got millions of people building devices for other millions of people. And the demand is exceeding supply. Now let’s put it in a perspective :

So you bought an iPhone

zumalive696052-electronic-wastelandGuess what! Next june it’ll be obsolete as a new one will emerge and you’ll most likely want one. And even if not that next iteration, you’ll want the one two years after that. After all in technology two years can make a huge difference. So ok, where’s the problem – you ask. We’ll get to it on a little bit. So after a while your old phone / camera gets thrown away, you get the new one. And so forth. But since the production right now is so high, and making the components takes a lot of resources, energy and such – when will we run out of the parts from which we can make the new electronic wonder-gadget?

The rate of innovation is of course speeding up every year, so basically in a few years everyone will own a pc, a laptop, a smartphone and a tablet device, if not more. And most of these will be changed to newer versions after a few years. So the running progress of technology can lead to depleting the natural resources needed to make new tech. and thus ending technology.

What do you think ?