Exciting changes ahead for the web and publishing alike


Say what?

Palm had just been bought by HP. What does that mean? Actually a lot. Right now we have to major players in the tablet area – apple and google with their android based tablets. Palm has experience with mobile devices and a great mobile OS – HP has money and marketing. This means that the era of the tablet has officially started. And this will be the next step in computing, web and print.

Changes coming

That basically means that in the precise moment of market saturation with these devices there will be a point in which some publication will receive more “hits” through slate devices than through normal print. Then we will know it has started. And if it starts it will also change the web into a more “handy” interface with bigger elements and touch / swipe enabled controls.

So maybe it’s time to get ahead of the curve and try to create new experiences that are “tablet-ready”? You think it’ll be a marker like “HD ready” was some years back?