Creative Windows ad – mac vs pc all over again

The Mac vs PC war has been fought ruthlessly all over the interwebs for at least a decade now, both on the advertising and on social front. And as with any controversial subject there are fans of both sides. But Microsoft didn’t really make creative ads before, and now it’s trying to show that PC’s are not “square” and “office and games” only and can be used to make really nice, creative things. Good! Because in the end the machine is just the means to achieving a goal that comes up in the mind of it’s creator. And the mind is not yet branded with any logo. See the cool video below :

Space’y design + Pixelmator

A while ago I designed the cover artwork for the “Krop” music project. The idea was to be as “from outer space” as possible, and at the same time have some of that 80’s look to it. Since that’s the decade the aliens came to earth anyway.

I used pixelmator pixelmator a 59$ photoshop wanna-be app for the Mac. It’s faster than the big brother, has a lot of the same tools (some stuff is lacking but we can’t have everthing for 59$, right?) and is pretty easy to use. If you own a mac and want to have a cheap photoshop alternative go give it a try.
I used a lot of duplicates of the character with different blurs and color settings + some painting over with a rainbow gradient and masks.
Then some noise with low opacity was added to give it a feel of the 80’s even more. I will also be in charge of the music videos to follow, so I guess it’ll also be about similar effects there too.
Go check it all out at