Myspace and facebook, if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em

Well it’s not exactly that simple, but myspace or my[  ] as they’re now choosing to be called realized that on the social level they will never win with facebook. So now they’re sort of merging, allowing facebook connect to log into myspace, and share friends and information between both sites. And from this day on myspace will be about delivering content (since facebook doesn’t really do a good band page) and facebook will be your social interactions.

By merging and diversifying myspace can regain some of it’s long-lost powers and thrive alongside facebook instead of competing with the behemoth. And that might actually be a good idea. The merger is called ‘mashup’ and we’ll see how well it’ll do pretty soon.

Myspace transforming into My “[ ]”

A few years ago myspace was the online king nearing 200 million users. Then along came facebook with all it’s drama (see “the social network”) and change all that. People stopped using myspace as if it was a bag of worms. And we can all bet that myspace advertisers felt that, and myspace CEO’s felt that too. So they decided to change, and what’s better than a really BIG change? Nothing. So they decided to change the site from the ground up, including the very familiar logo they had. We’ll see if it’s gonna steal the users back from facebook or is it just one more try of a dying company. Nevertheless the move is pretty bold so good luck to Tom! Below you can see how it’s rougly gonna look like in november.