Facebook now!

We cannot deny the unbelievable reach that facebook has gained in the last year or so. It’s so big right now, it could be in the top 5 countries in the world, if it ever became a country. But all the bullshit aside, the guys at facebook must’ve realised that despite the potential, they’re not-really-earning-a-lot just like youtube. Sure, people love it, people use it, a lot of things are going on there. But the marketing potential was hard to use. Typical banner campaigns would’ve made the site bloated and “just like everyone else” and they didn’t want that. In fact I think that the lack of typical advertising was also one of the things that brought people to facebook in the first place. They realized that it’s a one-of-a-kind place in the web and wanted to be a part of it. But no, they don’t want to pay a fee. So what now ?

We’re starting to see facebook positioning (SEO for facebook would be FO – facebook optimization, or FPO – facebook popularity optimization since it’s measured in fans rather than clicks)

I am currently working on a PDF based document on how to use facebook to it’s full potential when marketing internet content (the test subject is gonna be this blog).
More on that soon, but there’s a big change coming in how we promote things online, so drop your banners and skyscrapers, burn the billboards and put your face in the book!