ease of use

Our show has slowly gained momentum thanks to many nice bloggers and webmasters who shared it. Ok now we got that topic out of the way let’s talk serious.

The web is slowly dividing between a google found, self made brochures (barely interactive) and the facebookalistic social revolutions on any scale. Did you know that there’s a fairly large (and growing) group that thinks facebook IS the whole internet? scary?

In a social media frenzy the regular sites will go aside for a while but they’ll be back, since terminator2 was better than #4. And while online we might want to be alone from time to time, right?

All the perspectives and prospects of the social cannot ibviously be underestimated – this is an important part of the upcomin web 4.0

Let’s just hope for some competition (buzz? orkut? myspace?) or there will only be facebook to compete. ;)

Think before you design

I recently give a lot of thought to two things: usability of a project (be it a website) and creative communication so the ideas are easy to grasp/read for a majority of readers. The time of “pweety weebsites” is over. It’s time for thinking at least as much as the design process itself. Think what you want to say in a claim, before you type it and add a dropshadow. Analyze other successful projects and copy only what you think is important. And by that I dont mean the 30 layer header background. If it’s a business don’t add people in business suits, unless it’s the suits you’re selling. This is so overused now that for a business to stand out it just takes to come up with something different.

Think about mobile use, it’s growing at an unbelievable rate, you don’t want to be the last on the wagon do you?

And remember that form and function should be equal without one praying on the other!